It is.
Very Important.
Spring has finally sprung in the Rockies!
This is how I know:
I found three crocuses this morning, in full bloom.
It's the first sign of Spring.
We might see one or two a year, but they don't last long, because the deer or squirrels get them.
And sometimes a freak snowstorm, but we won't talk about that right now. This is a cup half full kind of day.
The weather is awesome. The high for today is 75 degrees.
Cactus Joe went outside for the first time since last summer.
Our windows are open!
The aspen are starting to bud.
I'm wearing short sleeves and flip flops.
Okay not the flip flops.
It's too hard to walk in the woods with flip flops.
But my point is that I could if I wanted to.
Koko and Tuffy are eating grass at the local salad bar.
And having a marking war with our resident fox.
We're watching for signs of bear.
They pounce on trees and pull them apart looking for grubs.
It's totally a peanut-butter-and-jelly,
iced-tea-with-bendy-straw kind of day.
How is your Spring coming along?